Diskussion:GKN (Unternehmen)

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 5 Jahren von Helium4 in Abschnitt TKS Enteisung
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GKN im deutschsprachigen Raum

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Der Verweis auf Emitec ist veraltet ich habe ihn entfernt http://wirtschaft.pr-gateway.de/gkn-plc-verkauft-anteil-an-emitec/ Die Länderaufzahlung war unvollständig, eine Aktuelle Quelle ist mir aber unbekannt

GKN Aerospace im Raum München

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Bei München Neuaubing (48.141 / 11.430) stellt GKN Aerospace auf dem ehemaligen Dornier-Gelände Bauteile aus faserverstärkten Werkstoffen her. Quellen: http://www.merkur-online.de/nachrichten/wirtschaft/die-grossen-teile-machen-wir-167307.html sowie ehemalige eigene Arbeitstätigkeit in unmittelbarer Nähe. --MichaelK-osm (Diskussion) 11:46, 26. Jan. 2013 (CET)Beantworten

TKS Enteisung

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Ehemals Sheepbridge Stokes (Metallsintern), GB wurde GKN.

Siehe meine Ergänzung soeben zu Flugzeugenteisung, basierend auf der Quelle

https://www.proz.com/kudoz/german-to-russian/tech-engineering/384056-tks-enteisung-tks-anlage.html .

ТKS - это имя собственное или название марки, фирмы и т. д.

Explanation: То есть - Система льдоудаления ТKS / установка ТKS . Вот объяснение на английском: The local aerospace company is the only U.S. firm to handle the design and manufacture of a certain kind of deicing system known as TKS, or weeping wing.

Вот здесь объясняется происхождение кажлой буквы в этом сокращении:

In 1942, TKS (Aircraft Deicing) Ltd. was formed at the instigation of the British government to meet this need. This new company was formed by bringing together three companies with suitable specialist knowledge. "T" was Tecalemit Ltd., a company specializing in the manufacture of lubrication equipment, and in particular, metering pumps. "K" was Kilfrost Ltd., a chemical company specializing in deicing chemicals. "S" was Sheepbridge Stokes (now part of the GKN group), a company producing newly developed porous metals using powder metallurgy. TKS produced an ice protection system which used, as the fluid dispenser, tubes of 0.5-inch-square (1.3-cm) cross section which were recessed into the airfoil leading edges. The exposed face of these tubes was formed from porous powder metal through which the deicing fluid exuded. This so called "strip" system went into service towards the end of World War II and was extensively used on British and European aircraft. In about 1950, porous panels were introduced by TKS as a more efficient means of distributing FPD fluid onto the airfoil leading edges. Initially, the outer skin of these panels was formed from stainless steel powder and later from rolled and sintered wire cloth. Porous panels constructed from sintered wire cloth proved very successful and still form a significant proportion of production. Examples of panels manufactured from this material may be seen on all versions of the British Aerospace HS

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sind jedoch nicht mehr zugänglich.

--Helium4 (Diskussion) 12:56, 20. Jan. 2019 (CET)Beantworten